Our commitment to sustainability

Download our sustainability statement

Heads of state, business leaders and consumers are asking what they can do to ensure sustainable practices. It is a question easily asked, but most certainly, complex, and multifaceted when answered.

The worldwide challenge for businesses is to create profitable growth within sustainable boundaries of people – community and society - and the planet – climate and environment.
At Bru, our drivers for growth have always been created together in collaboration with our employees, partners, customers, and suppliers. The process is collaborative, consultative and grounded in an approach that asks us to think about the future we all want.
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At first, our approach was practical. What metrics could we immediately functionally control, and these became our five ambitions, where we would:

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Leverage data to reduce the kilometers travelled by our products and people, and re-think where we keep stock

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Rethink packaging holistically in our value chain to reduce the environmental impact

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Raise the bar for Bru Suppliers and nudge suppliers to become more sustainable

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Continue to lead the way in digital fabrics in the textile industry

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Reduce the environmental impact of our operation

We realised, however, that these ambitions needed to be extended if we were to make lasting, more impact driven change. It was this defining moment that helped us form a partner relationship with Futureproofed and their team of experts. It has been from this point that our journey towards sustainability has become enriched and expanded upon.

Defining our strategy - a forever company

Bru Textiles strives to become a Forever Company, creating a positive impact and delivering change to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. To do this, we are strategically molding our business vision and evolving our sustainability actions according to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the relevant SDGs within this framework.

Our goals have been centered on 5 key SDGs, that are within our core spheres of influence:

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Decent work and economic growth for ourselves and our partners
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Responsible production & consumption of our textiles
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Taking climate action by understanding our footprint, up and down stream
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Transparency and traceability of all our products
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Partnerships internally and externally of our business to ensure positive change

Our learnings shared

Let's join forces to reduce the impact of fabrics at every stage of the lifecycle

We want to engage with all our stakeholders to do the right thing. Our strategy has included playbooks for suppliers and partners, where we are able to assist in joint paths to sustainability. These playbooks currently include:


Understanding how to calculate your carbon footprints and steps to reduce it


Responsible consumption and production and using the HIGG tool to calculate and manage fabric selection


Sustainably understanding fair labour practices, diversity, and inclusion

We are continuing to expand these playbooks, as our learning and experience within areas grows.

We want to share our continued sustainability journey, the lessons we have learnt (and will continue to learn!), provide insights regarding the impact of our products, and keep you informed about our ESG progress.

We invite you to join us. Together we can make a difference!

Download our sustainability statement