Cookie policy

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small, simple text files that your computer or mobile device stores when you use a website, such as your language preference for a website. When you visit the website again later, this cookie is sent to the website again. In this way, the website recognizes your browser and, for example, your language preference can be remembered.

Cookies usually also have an expiry date. For example, some cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser (the so-called session cookies), while others remain on your computer for a longer period of time, sometimes even until you delete them manually (the so-called permanent cookies).

For more information about cookies, please visit:

What type of cookies do we use and why?

Functional or essential cookies
Bru Textiles uses essential and functional cookies to manage the content of its website. These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of this website. You cannot refuse these cookies if you want to visit our websites.

For example:

  • The products you add to your wish list are remembered and stored;
  • Notification of an incomplete order, so that you do not lose your products in the shopping cart;
  • Your browser settings are saved so that you can view our website on your screen under the best possible conditions;
  • The ability to save your login data so you do not have to re-enter them every time;
  • The ability to respond to messages on our website;
  • An even load on the website, so that it remains functional and accessible;
  • The detection of possible abuse or problems on our website, for example by registering successive failed login attempts.

List of essential cookies

_cf_bm1 hourinformation subject to one-way encryptionCloudflarepart of Cloudflare’s Bot Management service and helps manage incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots.

Analytics cookies
We'll collect information about your visit to our website. It helps us understand how the website is used – what's working, what might be broken and what we should improve.

The cookies below will only be placed if you accept the analytics cookies.

List of analytics cookies

ASP.NET_SessionIduntil the browser session endssession idASP.NETIdentify the user's session on the server
_ga2 yearsGA1.2.1183303470.1665560522GoogleUsed to distinguish users in google analytics
_gcl-au4 monthsunique identifierGoogleThe cookie is used by Google Tag Manager to track and store conversions.
_gid24 hourssession referenceGoogleUsed by Google Analytics to keep track of user sessions
_dc_gtm_UA-59458063-2a few secondsGoogle tag referenceGoogleThis cookie is associated with sites using Google Tag Manager to load other scripts and code into a page. The end of the name is a unique number which is also an identifier for an associated Google Analytics account.
_pk_id.e4749eab-f522-4157-9576-774670f0aa27.fcd31 year415a02824d68f2b7.1665398296. 7.1667823735.1667823732.GoogleStore a unique user ID.
stg_traffic_source_prioritytraffic30 minutestype of visitor’s traffic sourcePiwikAssociated with Piwik's tag manager
stg_traffic_source_priority30 minutestype of visitor’s traffic sourcePiwikMeasures the level of traffic from a given source
_gat_UA-59458063-11 day1PiwikStore a unique user ID.
stg_last_interaction1 yearconsent preferences for data collection and usagePiwikAssociated with piwik's tag manager
stg_returning_visitor1 yeartimestampPiwikThe timestamp of the last time the visitor interacted with your site.
refresh_token1 monthtokenAuth0authentication data to be able to generate a new access token
access_token4 hoursadb2c access tokenAuth0adb2c access token

Conversion tracking cookies
We'll use your data to measure how effective our ads and on-site campaigns are.

The cookies below will only be placed if you accept the conversion tracking cookies.

List of conversion tracking cookies

__hssrcend of sessionsession IDHubspotStore a unique session ID
__hstc6 monthsdomain and session dataHubspotIt contains the domain, hubspotutk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session).
__hssc30 minutesdomain and session viewing dataHubspotIt contains the domain, viewCount (increments each pageView in a session), and session start timestamp.

Marketing automation cookies
We'll use your data to send you more relevant email or text message campaigns. We'll also use it to exclude you from campaigns that you might not like.

The cookies below will only be placed if you accept the marketing automation cookies.

List of marketing automation cookies

csrf.appbrowser sessiontokenSafety cookie against Cross-Site Request Forgery
hubspotapi5 minutesuser, session and consent informationHubspotmanage and track user interactions with Hubspot services
hubspotutk6 monthsIDHubspotKeeps track of a visitor's identity

Remarketing cookies
We'll use your data to send you more relevant email or text message campaigns. We'll also use it to exclude you from campaigns that you might not like.

The cookies below will only be placed if you accept the remarketing cookies.

List of remarketing cookies

_fbp3 monthsbrowser session informationFacebookDeliver a series of advertising and site analytics

User feedback cookies

_hjSessionUser1 yearHotjar user IDHotjarTo analyse users’ behaviour and collect feedback data

How can you delete?

If you want to know which cookies have been placed on your device or if you also wish to delete them, you can use a setting in your browser for this. Via the links below you will find more information about how to do this.

External links

The Bru Textiles websites provides external links to document certain information or social media. The activation of these links is the responsibility of the user. However, we recommend that you consult both the privacy statement and the cookie policy of the website in question.

Privacy Statement

As Bru Textiles we care about your privacy and security, for more information read our privacy statement.

If you have any specific questions, requests or complaints about this,

Then please contact us. This can be done via the contact details in our privacy statement.